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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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all creatures great and small


I was just paid money to get a new phone. You heard, er, read me right. Although, I don't have the money yet. It's a rebate. Which I fully intend on honoring. I'd been thinking about a new phone for a while (mine is three years old), and happened to see an ad for a free phone while checking my hotmail, so I thought, hey, it's ATT, that's who I want anyway. So, I did a little more digging and came up with a deal that gives me a free phone (it's a total kickin' phone, a Motorola v505) and car charger, plus a $50 mail-in rebate (with purchase of a 2-year contract; that's the catch, but not a bad catch). Nick says his brother has one and loves it. On top of that, I get to keep my number, which is very convenient and I don't have to try and make sure everyone gets my new number. Also, this may be very silly, but I love imy phone number. For one, it's a 281 number (very rare for a mobile), and for another, it has lots of 7's. 7 is my favorite number. So, yay, winning all around!

That is the good news. If you don't want to be depressed, I highly suggest that you stop there.

Bennet and ZozoLast night, about 2:30 in the morning, Nick turned on the light to my room. Blind and groggy, I was very charming and understanding (of course). He came over, and I realized he was upset. I didn't ask why (it didn't matter), but a little while later it became apparent that it was because Zoey, his beloved Green-Cheeked Conur, had died. Poor guy. He really, really loved her. In fact, we all did. I had never had birds except for my sister's unfriendly cockatiel, so I had no idea that birds could be such great pets. She was such a sweet thing, so friendly, funny, and cute. She loved french fries, and her favorite perch was exactly what Jo said - on top of a person's head. She also had favorites, and I was one of them. She actually came when I called her. I'd walk around the house, playing the piano, doing chores, working on the computer, and she'd be along for the ride, on my shoulder or head, occasionally deciding to try and see if this time I'd let her peck my eyes out, or going after my jewelry. This is a picture of her with Bennet that I took not long ago. Bennet, as you can see from the picture, didn't really know what to make of her. So, good-bye, dearest Zozo, we'll certainly miss you.

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