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"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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I have a bunch of pictures from Bremen, but they are not up yet because I have not been able to manage coming in early enough before my all-day meetings.

Anyway, I just want to say that being foreign is not necessarily creepy. Certainly, there are plenty of foreign guys with accents that make me melt. And being able to speak another language is v. attractive to me. This guy would have been creepy regardless of nationality. It was just an adjective, like tall, blonde, American, etc. He happened to be an Egyptian who was very shady. I know he was Egyptian because he told me. Now whether he was acting that way as a joke or not, to see if he could creep girls out, I don't know. I didn't ask, and I didn't care to find out.

Tonight, EADS has organized a social with the NASA people. It involves a tour around town and dinner in Burgerpark (where Beth and I ran on Saturday). It should be a lot of fun. Oh, and we get a tour of the integration room, up close and personal with Columbus, which I had better get down there for or I will miss it!!

Wow, a short entry. You probably didn't think I had it in me, did you? ;)

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