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Is mise Cari.

7:11 p.m.

The other day, I slept in until noon and was woken up by an air raid alarm. Hmm... Looked outside, no planes, so figured it was a test. I talked to some people around here and guess that's pretty normal. Interesting.

It's still looking a lot like Christmas around here. Most, but not all, of the decorations are still up. The most noticable change is the removal of the Christmas Market. The square in front of my flat is now clear (except for Wednesdays and Fridays, but that's normal) and it's pretty weird. The huge tree in Place Kleber is still up.

It was really nice to see all of my friends again, even if they do look at me and shake their heads. I can't help it if I'm all nice and tan and they're still pasty white. ;)

My friend Cian (who, by the way, looks a little like the coach from Bend it Like Beckham) is teaching me Irish. It's cool, 'tho I don't know very much and it's hard. The title of this entry is pronounced 'is misha Ka-ree', and you don't need me to translate that.

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