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First class, non-stop

5:50 p.m.

Today is my parents 9th anniversary. Yay for them! It doesn't feel as if it was that long ago that they got married. They're still in Florida celebrating and return tomorrow, I think.

I returned yesterday from my very nice vacation. The only really bad part is coming back, because it took me two days. I left Ft. Lauderdale, Florida at 3 PM on Monday, January 5th and finally made it into my apartment at 9 PM on Tuesday, January 6th. Okay, so that's 3 PM Eastern, which technically makes it only one day, but considering that we started attempting to dismbark the cruise ship at 8 AM on the 5th and that I didn't sleep much on the plane or train and went to bed not long after getting home, it feels like two days. So, my new plan is that if I ever become rich, one of my first luxuries is going to fly first class (or at leat business) on non-stop flights. Especially overseas. Yesterday, I flew from Ft. Lauderdale (Eastern) to Memphis (Central) to Detroit (Eastern) to Paris. Whew! But considering that I made the reservation on the 23rd of December, not too bad. And I added two new states to my been-in-the-airport-but-not-actually-visited list, which consists of Missouri, Massachusetts, Kentucky, and Michigan.

On the plane to Paris, the pilot came on and asked for a physician. I was thinking, oh no, please, not again. Fortunately, nothing further came of it.

All of my friends here are jealous because I came back a different color than when I left. Actually, I am now three colors, looking like neopolitan ice cream.

I had a great time, and promise promise promise to write it all down. Just to keep you hanging, however, I'll leave you with two things:
1) My favorite part was riding a horse through the surf in Jamaica, and
2) I helped my team win 2nd place in a contest by shoving a whole watermelon down my bathing suit. (Never mind that there were only two teams.)

Oh yeah, one more thing, here's a shameless plug for me. A little while before I left, I did a video for JSC to promote my job and the co-op program. Well, it's up now and you can find it here. Wait for my picture to scroll by, or if it's taking a while, click on 'Engineers 1' on the left which limits the field. Lovely.

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