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country roads, take me home


Greetings from sunny (but chilly) Northern California! I arrived home as scheduled on Monday, and haven't been very idle: bought and shipped two boxes of See's candy (BEST chocolates in the US), bought two pairs of badly-needed jeans, had In-N-Out, La Salsa, and went wine-tasting.

Today, I'm going to take my sister's skis over to get reset to fit my freakishly large boots, then go spend most of the day with her, my nephew, and her goddaughter. After having my second helping of In-N-Out in three days, of course (hey, here for such a short time; gotta get it in). Tomorrow I'm bike-riding with my youngest sister, picking up the rental car, and then heading up to Tahoe on Friday for skiing, joined by some local and not-so-local friends. It will be a lot of fun! And boy, do I need the vacation. I've been absolutely brain-dead all last week. I couldn't keep anything straight. And I mean nothing.

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