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good for what ails ya


Happy Cinco de Mayo!

I have been somewhat sick for just under a week now. It's been at the same point the entire time where I don't feel sick enough to stay in bed, yet not well enough to do very much. I was feeling better yesterday, but now I'm at work and not sure I should be here. Of course, that could just be because I'm at work. ;)

So I'm taking this Zicam stuff, which everyone raves about. It's supposed to be more effective at the onset of symptoms rather than in the middle, but I'm still giving it a shot. The only thing is that I like medicine in pill form - one swallow with a glass of water and it's down. There are no pills. It's mouth spray, nasal spray, or chewables.

I don't like chewables, but I dislike carting spillable liquids around even less. So, I'm stuck with the cinnamon chewable and I can't even drink anything for 15 minutes afterwards to get rid of the weird taste in my mouth. But, if it will stop this hacking cough of mine, then it's worth it.

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