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Pictures of Oktoberfest

1:58 p.m.

Tim Braithwaite from JSC is here and is going to give a lecture this afternoon. It's nice to see him. He wants to do something after class, but there's really not much so I'm not sure what we'll do. Think of something, I guess.

Last night was Serina's birthday. We went to an Indian restaurant, which was a lot of fun. Afterwards, some people went to a bar, but I was tired, and had had enough wine already, so I went home.

I don't have time to finish my Oktoberfest story today (but I will). However, until I do, Will gives a very good account; at least, Becca certainly seems to think so, considering that she links to his page, and not mine in her diary entry! Some friend. ;) For now, here are the pictures from Oktoberfest...

Ollie and Nick checking out the tire as everyone else watches.

One of the Beer Gardens that we wandered through.

Some of the other beer houses. The Hofbrau house is the most famous, and the largest. We waited ~2 hours in line to get in, but never did.

A view of the crowd.

Inside our beer "tent" (left) and some people dressed up at the table next to us (right). There were a lot of people in costume.

The band that played in the tent. They were very good! Like the costume that one of them donned?

Me with Ollie(left) and Will (right).

Kelly "forcing" Will to take a shot.

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