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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

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"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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aint that a kick in the head?

10:31 a.m.

I'll wait until Will, who's better about it than I, puts up his pictures from Oktoberfest to finish my tale that I started yesterday. I took most of the pictures on his camera because he tends not to and I didn't bring mine as the batteries had died and I haven't modified the adapter to take my American plug.

So, anyway, therefore, thus, you get a bunch of random nothings.

To prove my point, here is a picture of my dog. It's the best one that I have of him, taken the day I left Houston. Isn't he the cutest, most perfect dog that you have ever seen? (That last part was for Becca who is gagging right now, I know, and probably Sarah is, too.)

Bennet, about 14 months old.

Last night, as I was falling asleep, I had the random thought that I would dream of the man I'm going to marry. I dreamt of my dad and Fred, Katie's husband. Hmph. So much for that. I guess I really am never going to get married. That cave idea is sounding better and better. Anyway, they were some pretty random dreams (Shane, if you're reading this, maybe you can interpret). The first one, which I remember the best, is my dad trying to wake me up because I needed to go to the airport for Valarie's wedding, but I told him I didn't because we would be leaving after work and Fred was taking us. Also, Katie was getting mad at me for being irresponsible, as usual. That I was being irresponsible is the usual part, not Katie getting mad. That girl has more patience, especially with me, then just about anyone I know.

My next weird dream involved tanks and helicopters. That's about all I remember. Then, I had another one about rafting, and we got lost and had to hike back.

It's only three weeks or so in, and already there are hook-ups. I guess that's not really that suprising. There's at least two, maybe three semi-couples. They're not necessarily out in the open, per say, but Brooke and I are pretty much in agreement about what's going on with whom. Ahh, the drama. Some things surpass cultures.

Come to think of it, I really probably won't ever get married because no guys I want ever want me. At least, not when I'm the first interested party. That is because when I am interested in a guy, I am about as subtle as, um, something that's not very subtle. So, they run as far away as they can from the scary stalker lady.

Last night, I received a call from my dad (probably explains why he was in my dream) about 10PM. Turns out, he and Barbara are in Hawai'i, almost exactly on the opposite side of the world (I asked Serina, who is from Hawai'i). There's a 12-hour difference, which is actually rather convenient as far as phone calls go. I would say that I'm jealous, but then, I'm in France. I can't be jealous of anyone. I think that I'll stay here. ;)

If you've managed to make it this far, here is a treat for you: actual pictures! Most are from Luxembourg, but a few at the end are from Paris.

The Clervaux train station. You can see the Benedictine Abbey in the upper left corner.

Here is a close-up of the Abbey. We hiked four miles or so up-hill to get here. We found a short-cut back down, so it was about two miles to get back.

The castle in Vianden that we visited.

On the road up to the castle, looking back down towards the center of town.

What the castle looked like at its height in 1633.

Oh dear, I've been a bad girl.

Nick and I at the top of the castle, looking out over part of the town.

In Ettelbruck.

We stayed the second night in Wilz. There were these types of signs and memorials everywhere. Seeing these is one of my favorite things about being here. It makes the war real and not just a bunch of dates that need to be memorized for a test.

Okay, now some Paris pictures.

This one's for Becca; this is me standing in front of a statue of Artemis in the Louvre.

In a park, looking back at the Louvre.

Nick and I in front of Notre Dame.

Now what can this possibly be?

Not that you really care, but in keeping with today's random theme...

My bouquet from Val's wedding and the lovely gift bag that her stepmother, Trudy, made for us for our bridesmaid gifts. I thought the bouquet absolutely beautiful (albeit not looking as fresh in this picture). I couldn't take it with me; something about not transporting agriculture internationally...

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