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next up, worming my way into a laptop


It's amazing the little things that I can accomplish when I have something big that I don't really want to do. Like update one's neglected blog, for instance.

Today is fun with computers. My officemate left for lunch with his UNLOCKED, despite the warning that the rest of us gave him that we would do evil things to it in his absence. Obviously, he didn't believe us. Obviously, that was to his detriment: He returned to find his desktop rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise, and worse, his mouse movements, too; moving the mouse away no longer moved the cursor "up" on the screen so he couldn't figure out how to fix it and when we told him, he couldn't get the cursor there.

Then, he leaves for a meeting with it unlocked. The boy just doesn't learn.

I am getting a flat screen FINALLY. The IT guy came by today for my "pre-refresh interview", with the actual switcheroo taking place on the 13th. Woo hoo!

Sidenote: I initially titled this entry "weasling my way into a laptop", but thanks to the Weasleys (of Harry Potter fame), I feel guilty using the word. I don't feel one way or the other about worms, and since Wormtail was a bad guy in the series, I have no qualms about using that term.

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