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are you ready for some football...to be over?


Instead of watching the Big Game yesterday, I went to see Anything Goes with Lisa, Debbie, Jason, and Paul. It was a great show, v. fun, but one of the most amusing aspects had nothing to do with the musical itself, but rather that they kept managing to work in the Super Bowl score. It started off with a small-time mobster who was pretending to be a missionary from China, and when confronted by a Chinese-speaking nun, answered her incomprehensible question with "Well, I don't know. Last I heard, it was 14-10 New England at the start of the second quarter" or something along those lines. It took a few seconds to realize that he was talking about the Super Bowl - it was inserted into the dialogue so seamlessly! They continued it throughout the play, so we were all kept up-to-date on the score. "So, Moon-Face, is it over?" "Yeah, Billy, New England took it, 24-21." (Scattered applause from Pat fans.)

I did TiVo the game; however, it was for the commercials rather than the football. I think that they're almost a bigger draw than the actual game. This is the one show where people avoid bathroom and/or food breaks during commercials! I heard (on the radio) that there were some pretty good ones.

As for the game itself, I am not a big football fan (if the Niners aren't playing, I don't care who's there), but given the choice, I wanted the Pats to win, which they did, despite a valiant effort by the Eagles.

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