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2006...how do i love thee? let me count the ways...


My acquantaince with this new year has NOT improved.

Wednesday afternoon, I started to get sniffly. No big deal, sometimes just happens. Well, it continued until it became a full-blown head cold so that Thursday and Friday were spent in a drug-induced haze.


On Thursday, I had promised Becca that I'd pick up Aunt Nancy and Cousin Graham (her relatives, not mine, but after hearing her called "Aunt Nancy" for so long, she's become so to all of us), who had spent an extra day in Ecuador and were stopping over in Houston before heading home to Oregon. On the way there, I was pulled over and given a speeding ticket. Now, I don't deny that there have been plenty of times where I've deserved a ticket but managed not to get one, so karma-wise, it's about time. However, it's frustrating that one time when I'm not speeding, I am pulled over. There was a black Chevy Avalanche who sped by my just as we passed the cop on the side of the road, but as I was between him and the cop, I got it and not him (although, the cops were out en force, and I think that I saw the Chevy pulled over later on).

As if being pulled over for something I didn't do and feeling pretty darn lousy isn't bad enough, I also had neither my license nor proper insurance (is it common to be asked for insurance? not that I've been pulled over a lot, but this was the first time I've been asked for insurance) - I had it for the truck, but not the Prius.

The fun continues.Later, I'm looking at the ticket and it turns out that not only was I cited for speeding and not having a license, but also for not having a front plate. That last part he DID not tell me he was citing me for - and aren't they supposed to tell you all of the infractions for which they are citing you? - because, if he had, I would have pointed out to him that I did have a front license plate, it just on my dash. Silly me, thinking that it was safer to remove it when it was hanging off than to just let it fall off so that it could be used by a less-than-honest person or become a danger to me or other motorists. What was I thinking!! ;)

Oh yeah, and my iPod died. AGAIN.

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