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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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The last time I updated was two days ago, before we launched. Didn't know if we would or not. Honestly didn't think we would, but am very happy we did. We had rendezvous today, and everything is going just swimmingly.

Every day, we send the crew what is called an "Execute Package" containing their replanned timeline and any information that they need. The front page contains a comic, generally something related to the mission in some way. Today's was a drawing of the orbiter docked to ISS, with a line from the ISS that says "What is the speed of a swallow?" and a couple from the orbiter: "What did he say?" "What does he mean - African or European?". Showed it to the two Europeans that are visiting for the mission and they got it. Ahh, Monty Python - the words of international cooperation.


My neighbor rang the doorbell earlier (setting the dogs off on a barking spree) to inform me that he and his wife noticed that my right rear tire was drastically low. Turns out the culprit was a tiny little nail, so I need to have the tire replaced. Grrr. Not even 20K on the tires. And it's not exactly convenient, with the misison and all. But then, when is?


Coneheads is on, which I've never seen. Having heard "We come from France" so many times, I feel it's iconic enough that I certainly should have seen it by now. Movie's barely thirty minutes old and and I'm amazed at how many people I recognize; in addition to Dan Akroyd and Jane Curtain, there's Dana Carvey, Chris Farley, Phil Hartmen, Sinbad, Drew Carrey, Kevin Neelan, Jason Alexander and Adam Sandler. Granted, it is an expanded SNL skit (with what must have been the entire cast!), but still, there's a lot of familiar - and young! - faces.

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