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got a ticket for an aeroplane | ain't got time for a fast train


I don't know if I ever mentioned it before, but a couple of weeks ago, I ordered a railpass from Eurorailways.com. They sent them by FedEx the following day, and a couple of days later, they arrived at EADS. Or rather, I should say Airbus. See, there are two post offices on site - Airbus and EADS. Whoever is there when the mail comes signs for it, and if some is for the other company, they send it over to the other PO. So, when my FedEx package arrived and a guy at Airbus signed for it, it should have gone to EADS, since the address said EADS.

I say should, because I have no idea if that happened. I still don't have the pass. Airbus is saying that if it said EADS on it, then they gave it to EADS. EADS is saying they never got the package. The guy who signed for the package was a temp, and no longer works at Airbus. Sabine, my officemate, is being a huge help and trying to get someone to admit responsibility, which neither Airbus nor EADS is doing. At first, she was just trying to find the package, but now she is just trying to get me my money back. Especially since a couple of the trips that I had hoped to use the pass for have already passed.

Joy. Thank goodness for Sabine. I don't know what I would do without her. Not only does she speak German, but she knows who to call, and is really proactive.

Last night Beth and I went to see Shrek 2. I highly recommend it as it was absolutely hilarious. Beth and I laughed the whole time.

I have decided that after I am done here, I am going to go to Paris for a few days. A friend of mine is stopping over on his way back from Moscow to Houston, and Beth and Elias will both be there for COSPAR, but available most evenings. I am sure that I will be able to amuse myself in Paris during the day. ;) If anyone wants anything, be sure to let me know.

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