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i guess their lives are much like mine | the little plastic castle | is a surprise every time


Here is a picture of Schloss (Castle) Neuschwanstein (say that five times fast; go ahead, I dare you). This is the one I mentioned, built by King Ludwig II and dedicated to Wagner's operas. You can see how much Disney's Cinderella Castles resemble it. The yellow one in the background is his childhood home, where he lived with his parents and brother. He had built two other castles, and there was a fourth in the works. After only six months of living in Schloss Neuschwanstein, the government of Bavaria declared him mentally ill and no longer fit to rule; whether he really was, or they were just sick of him spending all of their money, who knows. He died suspiciously the following day at his casle in Munich. His brother, Otto, was also declared insane, and could not become king. Maybe they were afraid he would want to finish his brother's work. An uncle was given the kingdom, and he died in 1912 with no heirs; thus, the Kaiser came to power.

I don't have anything interesting to write about today, so I thought I'd give a history lesson. Becca says I'm obsessed with history. She says I am obsessed with a lot of things. She uses that word a lot. To quote Inigo Montoya, "I do not think it means what [she] thinks it means." ;)

Hmm, I guess I could say what I did this weekend. Nothing exciting, but nice and relaxing. Swimming and shopping on Saturday, plus a barbeque at Beth's boss' house (v. nice). Sunday was 4th of July, so in honor of that, I wore my American flag socks and light-up t-shirt much to the amusement of Beth and Dinesh. I also made flag cookies with blueberries and strawberries, and they turned out okay. Beth and Dinesh certainly seemed to like them, and that is what matters.

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