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it's a good life if you don't weaken


I have been having the best luck on airfare recently. Last month, ticket prices from Houston to Reno were ~$300; not bad, and everyone bought their tickets for skiing in Tahoe. I waited, because my plans were a little different. The prices went up; should have bought them earlier. But, still waited. Finally decided on when I was going; resigned to the higher price, I logged onto Continental...lo and behold, the prices were down, below where they'd been before! So, for my flight, I paid $224. Sweet!

Next up: Minneapolis for a wedding on April 8th. I have family near there, so I am going to extend the trip to visit them. Again, prices weren't bad, about $330ish. Again, couldn't decide on my arrival/departure times. Again, risking that the good prices would disappear. Yesterday, decided what I was doing. Thought about making the tickets right then, while the price was still good. Nah, tomorrow; should still be okay. And this morning, not only are they okay, but they're $30 less. This is on Northwest, a codewhare parnter with Continental, so I still get the frequent flier miles. Excellent!

Just goes to show that procrastination does pay off. ;) Or that I've just been really lucky. Now, for that ticket to SoCal for my sister's graduation in early May...

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