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poor widdle footise has a boo-boo


I went to the doctor today again for my foot. Every time previous, he looked at it and said it was coming along, stay off it and I'll see you in a month or so. Well, today, he gave me the look one gives to a naughty child, reprimanded me for my choice of footwear (too much of an arch) and scared the bejeezus out of me for the second time. He hadn't ever seen my injury at the stage that it's at now - blister-like. I thought that this was part of the healing process, but it's not. He said that it's going to keep blistering up and breaking and if I don't behave myself then I'm looking at surgery (eek!) and then I'll really be in for it.

I thought I'd been pretty good, not playing soccer or horseback riding and yes, there was that time I stupidly played tennis, but that was ages ago and I've been very good since then, with my most strenuous activity being walking the dogs. Now, I can't even do that. He did say I could use the elliptical machine at the gym, and I'm sure swimming is fine, so that's what I'll have to do for exercise. Poor Bennet!

I see him again in a month, and I figure that if he's not happy with it then, I might seriously be looking at surgery, so I'd better be a very, very, VERY good girl. What a big bother for such a small, stupid injury!!

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