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A Little Bit of Texas

9:11 a.m.

Those freaky bug-eyed squirrels who like the MOOOOON apparently also like Quizno's, too, as sent to me by Becca and Sarah.

Former astronaut and current Deputy Manager for the International Space Station, Charles Precourt, was here for the last few days. I think he's on the Board of Trustees for ISU or something. He's been walking around campus. I was looking up flags (we're doing a UN Conference on Disarmament and have to do the whole set-up and all) and Chile's flag is a lot like Texas', and I was saying, 'It looks like the freakin' Texas flag' right when he walked in. He said, 'Well, it certainly sounds American in here'. Oops.

Today we had a mini fieldtrip to visit the mineralogy (sp?) museum in Alsace. They had several meteorites, and a few even from Texas. Cool.

Finally, the last little Texan intrusion was that John Connolly is visiting from JSC and he brought Nick some stuff, including queso (yum!), a Houston Chronicle, and even the JSC Roundup. Speaking of which, the latter was v. nice looking and I want a copy.

Tomorrow, I get to tell people what to do. I'm part of the secretariat for this UN Conference, and we're the moderators for the president, Beno�t (by the way, his name is pronounced Ben-wah; I wouldn't have known that, so maybe you don't). Bhavini, Kim, and David V. make up the other members of the secretariat - the name of which makes me feel like I should be in the Kentucky Derby - and then everyone else are delegates. Several have 'switched' countries; for example, Will is Russia. He loves it because now he's going around making up Russian words. I have to admit that if one didn't know better, one might actually believe he's speaking Russian, as the nonsense he spouts actually sounds like Russian.

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