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anyone who isn't dead or from another plane of existence would do well to cover their ears right about now


A Presidential Proclamation has decreed the first Thursday of every May to be designated as the National Day of Prayer. Which is fine, so long as it's meant to be a non-denominational Day of Prayer; most people believe in some sort of deity or other, and so long as that deity of yours doesn't require any harm to come to me or mine, worship away. Today, being the first Thursday of May, employees at my work were invited to attend a "prayer event" as part of the National Day of Prayer.

Even though I am Catholic, and do (occasionally) attend Mass, I have a healthy skepticism and sense of humor about the whole thing, so I couldn't help but be amused when I just now received an announcement that, due to lightening activity in the area, the event has been cancelled.

It seems that I'm not the only one with a sense of humor.

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