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i went to middle earth and all i got was this lousy ring


Last night, Jen and I went to Midnight Magic at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. It was a special event, starting at 12:01 a.m. this morning to kick-off the Lord of the Rings exhibition at the museum. I went as a normal human, and she as one of the Nazgul(Ring Wraiths).

Not unexpectedly, most people were in Ren Faire attire which they had converted to Middle Earth costumes with the addition of Elven ears; sold at the gift shop, which, conveniently enough, was open. The Houston chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism was out en force, complete with horses, jousting, and royalty. There were a few, however, who stuck specifically to the LOTR theme - we saw Frodo (this guy could have been in an Elija Wood-as-Frodo look-alike contest), Aragorn, a couple of Gandalfs and other Ring Wraiths like Jen. Unfortunately, and hopefully Sarah will not kill us, we forgot our cameras. Started out with using my camera phone, but then bought a disposable. Hopefully, some of them will come out. I'll post later the pictures from my phone.

Despite the time of the event and our initial hesitance due to the time, we really, really enjoyed ourselves. We hung out for about two hours, wandering up and down the hall; the exhibition itself was open, but we didn't want to spend the time or money then, and the plan is to go later with everyone. At 1, we went into the IMAX theater to listen to Celtic music that while beautiful and enchanting, was also a little too soothing so that after about half an hour in the darkened theater, Jen and I were drifting off to sleep. We decided to call it quits, and actually made it home at the not-too-unholy hour of 2:30 a.m.

Incidentally, Becca seems to think that we must stop teasing her about attending Star Trek conventions in costume now that Jen and I went to this Lord of the Rings premiere. I guess it is kinda geeky, especially since Jen was in costume, but as it was more Ren Faire-like than an actual convention, sorry, Becca, you still reign supreme. :)

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