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Eins, zwei, drei...

6:05 p.m.

This is the last weekend of Oktoberfest. I don't really understand it. I mean, the event even has the month in the name, and yet, it's mostly in September and one weekend in October. Go figure. Anyway, Nick is dying to go, as am I, but we have not made very many plans. We're meeting tonight at 8PM, with several others, to discuss what to do. Basically, all we have decided is that somehow, we're going to either Stuttgart or Munich tomorrow for the day. Yes, for the day. I never said it was smart! ;) I don't care. I have always wanted to go to Oktoberfest, and even if all I do is drive there, take a picture, and drive back, I'll be happy. By train or by car has yet to be decided. People keep dropping out, and if it gets down to just five of us, then Ollie can drive (assuming Ollie isn't one of the guys dropping out). To make things easy, here is a grading system that I've come up with...

Intelligence of plan: Very low.

Adventure level: High.

Chance of survival, especially w/Nick along, whose goal it seems to be to offend as many Europeans as possible: Extremely low.

So, we'll see what actually happens. I won't be bringing my camera because the batteries are dead and my adapter plug doesn't fit. No pictures from Bremen yet because I forgot to download them off of my camera.

Oh yes, on the last trip, it was decided that I was the ISU mom. I know that many of you are going to laugh to think that I'm one of the more responsible people of the group, but I really have become something of a mom. I think it's Nick's fault; I pretty much have to take care of him. For example, last week I had to take him to get his haircut. Anyway, this week, I fixed the guys ties, straitened collars, carried chocolate around in my purse, and brought food on the train.

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