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run away and join the circus


Happy Canada Day to all of my Canadian friends!

Ugh. Good morning, everyone. Or whatever. I am so tired and want nothing more than to crawl back in bed and go to sleep. But, the deadline is on final approach; therefore, we find our heroine pulling her protesting body out of bed and off to work. All of my fellow victims keep asking how the thesis is going, and I think the reply of "what thesis?" may be growing old. What they don't realize is that I am not trying to be funny, but am asking the question in earnest. Honestly, what thesis?

I hear from everyone that theirs is going about the same as mine. Impossible. I think that they are all saying that to placate me while secretly thinking that no matter what they turn in, it will not be as bad as mine; "after all, I at least have something". But of course, I would expect placation (is that a word?) because, after all, I am the queen (don't worry, Kells, you're still a goddess) and all shall bow down to me, "a queen, not terrible but bright as the sun". And if you know where that quote came from, you're as big of a dork as I claim to be.

Forgot to mention Flic-Flac. Every seat was taken; no surprise as it was awesome. Never been to Cirque du Soleil but have a feeling while similar, there were certain things done that wouldn't have occurred in a North American performance. Such as guys and girls in thongs talking with their bums. Or the couple who stripped down to their skivvies (the fellow really shouldn't have worn a thong) while juggling. All in all, though, it was amazing. I saw the human body perform feats and bend in ways I didn't think were possible. They had everything - contortionists, trapeze artists, tight-rope walkers, three motorbikes in a spherical cage, jugglers, comediens (of which we understood precious little, it being in German), trampoline tricks, and these guys who did crazy stuff on this giant rotating cage (shaped O--O with one guy on each "O"), like jumping on it as it spun around, walking on their hands, etc, and with no net to catch them if they fell.

Wasn't feeling so hot so almost didn't go as I was worried about the smell of the food and the noise increasing my nausea, but Beth thought that there would be little of either. We enter the tent and are immediately bombarded with the smell of salty popcorn and sizzling sausages, as well as loud, pulsing music. So much for that. But, I am glad I went. Yay for Flic-Flac.

In Earth-shattering news, I found out yesterday that the title of the 6th Harry Potter book is Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. No word on a release date for the book, however. I already admitted that I am obsessed with Harry Potter, so bear that in mind while reading the following statement: directions on how to navigate the secret passageway to discover the book's title are given at WizardNews.com. What, did you think I was smart enough to figure it out myself? ;)

Here is a picture of my sis, Kate, with her dog, Cotter, who graduated from CCI (Canine Companions for Independance) in May. She has a new dog now, Alexa. A bit more energy than Cotter, her half-brother, who was about as mellow a dog as they come.

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