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it seems that my dog and i both end up bleeding all over becca's house


Before 7p.m. this evening, I was limping around because I'd fallen on my bum snowboarding too many times (I can just FEEL the sympathy flowing in). Now, I'm limping around because I have a huge chunk of skin torn out of my left instep. See, Becca had this large, rectangular piece of glass propped up on some boxes of mine in the dining room. Since her family is coming to visit, she'd like my stuff out. So, I was trying to be helpful and move them, but that involved first moving the piece of glass.

We can all see where this is going. Lesson learned: Don't mess around with large pieces of glass whilst (essentially) barefoot.

My attempt at helpfulness resulted in me laying on the floor, my face pressed against the cool tile so that I didn't pass out and holding a rapidly crimsoning wad of paper towels against my foot, while Becca carefully cleaned up the shattered glass. And mopped up the bloody spot I'd left on the new(ish) carpet in the bathroom. (Thanks, B.) The wound isn't all that bad, but it's a good inch in diameter, fairly deep and bleeds like hell, but nothing major was nicked and, (insert sarcasm) in my professional medical opinion, I don't need stitches. I sprayed Bactine, slapped a giant bandage on it and swaddled it in medical tape. It's stopped bleeding, but I'm not sure if that's the bandage or because I've cut off blood flow; it's been a while since I had to tape up an ankle.

I am rather disappointed at my reaction; I'd thought I was doing better with the whole blood thing, but I'm sure it didn't help that I was feeling slightly nauseaus prior to the whole thing. I did hold on until I'd mopped up the blood and the wooziness did pass within 15-20 minutes so that I could even look at it spouting blood with no problem, so I guess I did okay.

I'm interested to see how this thing heals. Especially the kind of scar it will produce (if any).

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