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'Got my best suit and my tie | Shiny silver dollar on either eye | I hear the chauffer comin' to the door | Says there's room for maybe just one more...'

4:19 p.m.

Happy Hallowe'en, everyone! To set the mood, and because I'm a big dork, here's a Hallowe'en page from NASA, and in case you're interested, here's the history of the holiday.

This weekend, I am going to Interlaken, Switzerland. As usual, Nick is the instigator. There is a hill/mountain that he wants to climb. This time, it looks like we will have company: David, Kelly, Heather, and hopefully Brooke. I will be very glad for the hiking, some physical exertion to reduce my mental and emotional stress.

Tonight, David is having a Hallowe'en party. I am going as a farmer girl. Sort-of. I brought a pair of overall-shorts (don't say anything, Becca or Sarah; I know that you're dying to make a comment on my bringing those), and my paddock boots (in case I found horseback riding, which I did, but haven't gone yet), braid my hair, thicken up my Southern accent, and borrow David's stray cowboy hat. It's the best that I can do with what I have.

The fact that it's Hallowe'en brings back some memories. It hardly seems like a year ago that Sarah and I teamed up; she was a devil, and I an angel. I also dressed Bennet up in a Hallowe'en costume (the doting mother that I am). He was Superman, but do not worry, I'll spare you the picture of him in the costume, but let's just say that he was the cutest thing ever. ;) Becca taught Apache to wear devil horns; Sarah was horrified that she actually taught Apache to wear them. Debbie was the Kung-Fu Hamster, which I'd given her as a birthday present the year before. The previous year, I went as a Giants baseball player, and I remember that Sarah Shull was an Egyptian princess (that was a cool costume). That was in the middle of Training Academy. The year before that? I can't remember. I was at JSC, beginning my last co-op tour. I'm sure I did something with the co-ops. The year before that, is as memorable to Katie and Fred as it is to me, for Hallowe'en of 1999 was when they met (the 30th, to be exact). This is a picture of us, taken that very night. Because I know that I'm going to get emails asking what costume am I wearing, it's 70's. I was going to go as the farmer girl, but Katie decided (and fortuitously) at the last minute to come, so I gave her that costume and I dug up what I could. You can't tell, but I'm wearing blue corduroy hip-hugger bell-bottoms and a wide-collared shirt. (By the way, that's not Fred's real hair.)

Wednesday we had some wine-tasting. It was okay. The wines of Alsace are primarily white, although they do produce a Pinot Noir; however, of the four we were given, the Pinot Noir was not one of them, much to my chagrin, as I only really like red. I gave my first glass to Bhavs, but she insisted I drink the next three, so I did, and they weren't too bad...for white wine. We did learn, however, the proper way to taste wine, so now I am a wine connoisseur. Okay, maybe not. ;) It was fun, although the presentation was long, and finally Fabio asked, "When are we going to get to drink the wine?" Go Fabio.

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