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In case you didn't know, I have a dog named Bennet.

4:28 p.m.

Tomorrow, we meet at the train station at 6 AM to catch the 6:30 bus to Frankfurt, where we catch a plane to Moscow. There's about 20 students going. We'll be back on April 4th. This makes week #4 where I have been in France 3 days/week or less, but it is my last trip until Bremen. Speaking of, still trying to find a place for Beth and I to live!!!

I have to give props to Miss S. Graybeal for putting up lots of pictures of Bennet, including two movies. So cool! Yay. ;)

6:01 p.m.

Okay, so I thought that I had updated my diary, but some people who shall remain unnamed and who have not updated their own diary are complaining about mine. So, since I do have stuff to add, I will. Here you can check out our itinerary for Russia. We're only going to two different areas in Russia for five days, which is nearly a record for Nick and I.

Today, we also had our TP Review 2. It went okay, I think. It was pretty short, mostly because one presenter was nervous and pretty much ran through his part of the presentation. I feel like our report structure is really starting to come together. I hope so, anyway. We'll see how it is when we get back from Russia and I'm handed the whole freakin' thing to edit.

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