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the latest time waster


Byron is a very handy, mechanically-inclined fella. Despite the fact that Becca and I actually have degrees in the stuff, he shows us up on a daily basis with his prowess. Becca's done some things, and if I sat down and stared at it a while, I'm sure I'd be able to figure it out without too much injury to self, but Byron just gets it. Like Kaylee from Firefly, for those who know the reference. His latest project was to fix Becca's Galaga game that her mother sent her a while back.

Wow, is that game a great way to waste time! It is so addictive. Since he fixed it on Tuesday, it has been played pretty much non-stop when someone's at home. I told C. about it, and when he came over for dinner yesterday, after a brief hello, immediately sat down at the game and played until dinner was ready. Both he and Byron racked up scores of 70K+. Must be from all that dodging of birds, other planes, and space invader missiles that a pilot encounters on a daily basis.

I can foresee the next fish night being more of a Galaga night with maybe some eating. I joked with Becca about locking the coin door (right now, we drop a quarter in the slot, then open the door and retrieve it) in order to pay for fish night. Forget about wine or dessert, people, just bring a sackful of quarters! :)

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