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the roar of the dragon


More like the roar of the coxswain, who stood directly behind me and who ended up nearly losing his voice at the end (which I think is the only reason we stopped).

Last night, Beth and I joined some of her coworkers who go Dragon Boat Paddling on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She knew what it was because they have races in Vancouver, but this was the first I'd heard of it. It's a bunch of people paddling in a large canoe-like boat - there were about 10, plus the coxswain - and the front has a dragon head and the back a dragon tail. We paddled up and down the river, with the coxswain yelling out orders, alternating between German and English (he spoke English with a bit of a Scottish accent, interestingly enough). It was quite fun, and a great workout - my upper back, shoulders, and bum are quite sore this morning! My arms, surprisingly, are not, despite the fact that I thought (and wished a little - as it would be a good excuse to stop paddling) that they were going to fall off.

They also play soccer on Tuesdays before paddling, so I can at least get a little bit of practice in again before I show up back in Houston. Yay - more exercise, which I desperately need.

Dinesh, who is recovering from a bit of a cold, stayed in. Tonight, Beth and I are going to Prague. I seem to only be capable of going to Prague via overnight transportation - last time on a bus, this time on a train.

Random facts for the day First one is for you coffee drinkers out there: 100 cups of coffee in 4 hours is enough to kill the average human (10 grams of caffeine is the lethal dose). Second: the first recorded execution of a convicted witch, widow Alse Young, in America took place in Massachusetts on May 27, 1647.

Also, yes, Kelly, I did steal my quote of the day from your story.


Dinesh put up a good account of our trip. Also, Beth put up her Scandinavian pictures so until I get around to mine, they will have to do.

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