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Vive la France!

12:40 p.m.

Greetings, everyone, from France! Yes, I am finally here and I am FINALLY writing something in this diary. I won't be able to write much today, as I'm actually quite hungry for once and Nick is getting edgy to go. I have been writing everything down on my computer and will transfer it over soon, I promise. It is very, very long and those of you who complained about the length of Sarah's novel about her trip to New York will see that that is but a paragraph to what I have written.

I am taking a lot of pictures and will put those up ASAP.

I picked Nick up at the airport yesterday. I have never seen anyone so happy to see me. I was feeling pretty overwhelmed when I first arrived, so I can only imagine what it must be like for him, since I at least have enough command of the language in order to make myself understood if need be, as painful as it might be for the people I am trying to talk to.

Within the first several hours of my arrival, I actually had to talk to three people in French. The first was the ticket agent in Paris, whom I am sure spoke English, but the majority of the conversation was conducted in French. Actually, most of it was her speaking and me muttering a few phrases. The second person was a gentleman whom I thought might be my mentor, who is Russian and I thought he looked Russian, and whom might be waiting for me at the Strasbourg airport. Turned out it was not, and in fact, he was not even Russian, but Italian (so much for what I know). He was very nice, but only spoke Italian and French, and as I only know slang phrases and a couple cuss words in Italian (thanks to my great-aunt), we had to speak in French and we had a nice little conversation. The third person was the taxi driver who dropped me off at my hotel.

School starts on Monday, and I am sure that I will be able to update this diary regularly, a lot more than I know I have the last two weeks. But, would you believe, that two days before I left home, our computer died? I was so frustrated. I had planned on writing at least one more entry, but it was not to be, and this is the first chance that I've had to write anything.

Okay, the library is closing so I have to leave. I will write more very soon.

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