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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

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"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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are we there yet?


One would think that now that the orbiter is back safely on the ground (since, oh, last Monday), I'd be able to release the long-held breath that was STS-121. But, no. Somehow I've been assigned to the next mission, along with most of the people in my too-small-for-what-we-do branch. After having flown only two missions in the last three-and-a-half years, launching another only six weeks from landing one is awfully darn quick for something we're not used to. Don't get me wrong; I'm happy to fly regularly again. I'm really loving work right now, but, it's a readjustment. And rather exhausting. Hence, lack of updates. Not that there's anything exciting to write about - I go to work, I go home. I go to work, I go home. Woo hoo! Don't you wish that you had my life?

Oh, and it doesn't help that I haven't fixed my computer, and now Becca's is acting wonky. I've stayed off of it because I will NOT be the reason that something else in the house breaks.

I did go to Austin last weekend to hang with a friend, my first weekend off in quite a while. We did NOTHING. It was WONDERFUL. This weekend? Definitely busier. Remember how my closet collapsed during the mission? Still collapsed. And I've learned just how few clothes one actually needs to survive. But, that's my project for the weekend - move all of my junk out of my closet into Nick's old room, fix closet, go through stuff (really, I *can* do it in a weekend) and move what I decide to keep back in, which is hopefully decidedly less than what I decide to ditch. Then, on Sunday, I have a soccer game, the first one that I've played with the girls in quite some time.

Anyway, I've already put in my 40 hours for the week and then some, so it's more than time to go home. We're watching Ollie this weekend, in exchange for yummy Middle Eastern food courtesy of Nick's mom. More than a fair deal, methinks, especially as I like Ollie and really do miss him, er, her. ;)

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