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beware the withdrawn yay-sayer


I was in a coworker's office and saw a paper about working with difficult people, and gave examples, such as the "yay-sayer" and the "withdrawn". Descriptions follow:
YAY-SAYER: Discourage from saying "yes" to more than can handle. Hold accountable for what they are working on.
WITHDRAWN: Does not participate in discussions. Try to ask open-ended questions to encourage communication.

Sounds like me. I am so predictable.

My defense for being a yay-sayer is that everyone in my group is overworked. I cannot in good consience ask to be taken off of a project and have it added to someone else's equally-if-not-more-so overloaded workload. My defense for being withdrawn is that I never feel like I know enough to participate. The simple answer is well, be prepared. And I usually am - but unfortunately, not in the manner expected. Most of the time, it feels like a repitition of an experience I had once at university where I studied formulas and equations for a test that turned out to mainly consist of definitions; qualitative, not quantitative. Sometimes, I want to just say what I know, anyway, to prove that I did do something.

I have another softball game tonight, which I am looking forward to, despite the fact that I'm deathly afraid of getting smacked with the ball (not a good thing for a 1st baseman). Incidentally, that did happen once back in grade school. I had just had my braces tightened and we were playing three flies up. I was distracted just long enough to have the ball hit me right in the mouth, causing my lip to stick to my braces. Suprisingly, it didn't hurt. That much. Now, if only I can learn to catch with the gloved hand...

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