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a million tomorrows will all pass away | ere i forget all the joys that are mine today

2:42 p.m.

Today I:

*Woke up at 4 a.m. because that's when the bakery underneath us begins work
*Saw the ATV protoflight model
*Met everyone in my group at work
*Attended a class on the Columbus ECLSS system (James will be proud)
*Had a tour of the facilities
*Saw several Airbus wings of different sizes and in varying stages of integration
*Ate some dicke bohnen for lunch (thick beans)
*Saw two Ariane V upperstages, as well as the propulsion package for a third
*Walked through a mock-up of the Columbus and Destiny ISS modules
*Saw the actual Columbus module (!!!) in the integration room
*Was given a promise to go into the integration room
*Also given a promise to go to Oberpfaffenhofen (say that five times fast)
*Almost run over by a big tractor (oops)

It's been a good day overall.

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