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'Fly like a bird...'

8:24 a.m.

So today a group of us are going glider flying. It should be a lot of fun, and is quite cheap - about 5� - but, I've been told that the flight itself will only be about 5 minutes, so that decreases some of the excitement. However, any sort of flying is welcome!

Here is another picture from Mont Sainte Odile.

Ollie, Doug, Bhavs, Will, me.

Last night, we did indeed have Girl's Night. It was fun; everyone showed up, and we sat around and talked for a couple of hours and then watched Bad Boys II. Bhavs pointed out that it really is a chick flick because it has 1) Will Smith and 2) some very fine cars. Brooke was hoping for planes, Beth for motorbikes; Brooke got helicopters and a private jet, but poor Beth was disappointed. Ah well, you can't please everyone. One thing that we decided is that this would be the perfect movie for intercultural awareness as it contained pretty much every racial stereotype and made fun of all fo them. Very nice. It was a long movie (seemed that way, anyway), and the most common word was variations of "f***". Will Smith didn't even have any good lines except for, "Don't hate the player, hate the game" which has NEVER been said before.

The evening was great, and I won't go into details, but let's just say there there was chocolate and wine involved, and there were five girls in my bed for a good portion fo the evening. I'll leave the rest to your imagination!!! ;) Oh yeah, and now my bed is broken...

Apparently, Harry Potter is out, or will soon be out, over here. In French. Go figure. Kelly said that she saw a poster advertising it at the French theater. Anyway, as soon as it shows up in the English theater, several of us girls are definitely going to go. Kelly said that she'll go to the French theater; no big deal for her, since she understands French fluently, although claims that she cannot speak it (has she not heard ME speak???).

Tomorrow, hopefully, I'll have some time to put up some pictures from Spain, but until then, read Nick's account of our adventures. He's much more dramatic than I, anyway.


4:10 p.m.

Okay, so I looked and Harry Potter is not coming out until June, which is what I thought. The French theater is showing the first movie, Harry Potter et l'Ecole des Sorciers and the second, Harry Potter et les Chambre des Secrets.

Flying was so cool! It was definitely one of the best experiences that I've had so far here. We weren't taken up behind a plane, but rather, by a winch. It's a bit hard to describe, but there was a rope hooked to the front of the glider, of course, which was connected to a powerful winch at the other end which hauled you in and the natural lift in the glider wings is what lifted it up into the air. It wasn't very high, about 300 meters, and the ride was indeed not very long (about 10 minutes, but that was longer than 5 which is what I was expecting!), and there weren't a whole lot of aerobatics that could be done. I did ask, by making parabolic motions with my hand and saying, "Ja?" to the pilot who laughed and said "We'll see". He did three parabolas and they were pretty cool.

There are only about three people who have cars, and I managed to catch a ride with one of them. The original plan had been for everyone else to catch the train or bus to Kehl, about 10 minutes away and about 5 Euros for either, but then it turns out that neither the bus nor the train was running today. Not sure exactly why, but apparently it involved a bridge and some bomb from World War II... Anyway, that was interesting and Ollie had to go track them down at this bridge, which they had taken a taxi to and which the taxi would not cross, and bring them to the airfield.

As usual, no pictures, but that's because I didn't bring my camera. We took plenty, and I'll get a hold of them.

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