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it's all greek to me


I don't know why I have been putting off updating, but for some reason or other, it has become this large, arduous task, like cleaning one's gutters. It has thus made me rather productive - laundry, cleaning, dog-walking, etc. However, at the risk of receiving even more chastisements, and because I am leaving for Peru tomorrow and therefore unable to do any updates, here I am.

Me in front of the Olympic Flame.I spent several days in Greece with my friends Elias, Kelly, and Ruey. We stayed with Elias, and everyone in his family, including his dog, Billie, were wonderful. Elias' mom cooked for us, and what with the majesty of being in Athens, at the Olympics, and having home-cooked Greek food, I often had to pinch myself that I was really there. It was amazing. The Olympic venues are absolutely beautiful. That is me standing in front of the Olympic Flame in front of the stadium, after having viewed the women's 10m diving semi-finals. In addition, I saw women's softball, handball, kayaking/canoeing, and dressage. Athens was completely ready for the Olympics, despite all fears. Plus, the security was ever-present, yet non-intrusive. There were 30,000 volunteers, as well as the military and police.

Me, Elias, and Kelly in front of the Parthenon at the Acropolis.We also visited other parts of Athens, including the Acropolis. Later, we had a popular drink, Frappacino-type thing from Nestle. It was very strong, so I always had to order it extra sweet, and it was best mixed with ice cream. It was pretty neat to be sitting, having a Frappacino, and look up and see the Acropolis. Elias had read up on the history and told us a little bit about it. They had taken down much of the scaffolding for the Olympics, but a lot of it was still there. Kelly, as usual, has a good, concise description of our trip.

Now I am back in Houston, having returned Sunday, and after buying out REI, am now (mostly) prepared for Peru, the adventure of which begins tomorrow. I have spent the week doing random stuff around the house, including the aforementioned laundry, running errands for Becca, and just being lazy. Also, on Sunday, almost immediately after arriving, I went to a birthday party for Jo, a girl whom I didn't know but who had been hanging out with Becca, Sarah, Jen, Gavin, Nick, etc. so much that I felt like I knew her from their blogs. She's really cool, and we all had a great time talking, swimming, and playing volleyball. The latter was especially fun as when I did well, I could attribute it to skill, and when I did not, blame it on the jet lag and the fact that I had been up for nearly 24 hours.

Nick, my roommate, has been speaking to me in French, which is good. I cannot respond, but it is heartening that I can understand all that he says.

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