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wormhole xtreme


The other day I was watching an old episode of "CSI" and Greg, my favorite character, was bugging Nick about taking another lab tech into the field instead of him since he was trying to move from lab to field work (which he's since done). The case was the murder of a programmer at his work. Nick's response was, "Right tool for the job, man," and proceeded to demonstrate by calling over to Archie and asking, "Hey, what's that episode in "Star Trek" where that guy has that thing on his head?" Archie responded, "Which one? NG, Nine or original?" Greg concedes the point, but Archie's not done. "Or do you mean "Farscape"?" he asks Nick, who answers, "I have no idea what you're talking about, dude." Probably most people don't. I didn't the first time I watched that episode. I do now. It made me laugh. So random. How big of a dork am I? =) Being a fan of "Farscape" is apparently membership to an exclusive geek club. I love that it randomly pops up in other shows.

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