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twinkle, twinkle little space station


It is one thing to slam shift after having a good night's sleep, it's another after staying up all night, sleeping for three hours and then staying up for another twenty. And expecting to be productive. We'll see how that goes; I tried to sleep today, but I woke up at 11 a.m., fully awake. I will be paying for it later on, but right now, I'm okay. Thank goodness this is the last night for me; it's been one long week.

I wonder why I do this to myself, why I decided that I wanted to work in an area where such crazy hours are not unusual. Then, I realize that there are plenty of other jobs that also require night shifts and which do not involve space. So, even though my hours ain't be so neat, at least it's in support of something that is pretty dang neat. Of which I'm reminded when the whole team runs outside to watch the station fly overhead. People who have worked here for years upon years, pointing out the manned satellite like it's the first time they've ever seen it, falling silent as it streaks across the sky. Then we all troop back into the building and talk to the people in the bright, orbiting "star" that we just watched go by.

The magic may be understood, but it's not gone.

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