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Just trippin'

3:29 p.m.

It was a quick trip, so here's a quick retelling. Hopefully.


7:15 AM - Nick, Ollie and I arrive at the train station at 7:15 AM to take the train to Baden-Baden/Karlsrue, Germany. Much to our relief, Serina arrives just seconds before it leaves. Phew!

9 AM - Fly to London Stanstead airport.

10:30 AM - Board bus for downtown London.

12:30 PM - Arrive downtown London after having nice tour via bus. Check into dodgy hostel.

1 PM - Wander around London, checking out major tourist sights including Big Ben, Westminster, Buckingham Palace, Trafalger Square, National Portrait Gallery, and managed to get into Parliament and spend several boring minutes listening to the budget comparisons of 1997 and 1998 (although, getting in was pretty cool). Serina & I left on our own to visit the Tower Bridge and Tower of London (unfortunately, closed).

8:30 PM - Meet up w/Ollie to go to a fantastic Chinese restaurant that he knew about.


9 AM - Serina and Ollie hop out of bed and go to breakfast. I drag myself out and meet them there. Nick shows up a few minutes later.

10 AM - Check out of hostel and head out to see some stuff missed previously. Recieve text from Beth saying she needs mine and Nick's life history for Russian visa. We head back to internet cafe in Burger King and answer questions; I also lambast friends who make fun of whirlwind trip. Yes, I'm crazy, what else is new? Drag Nick to see Churchill's underground bunker; long line and have to pay. Decide to go to Westminster Abbey. Again, costs money and w/about 30 minutes till meet up w/Serina & Ollie at hostel, decide to visit free St. Margaret's church next door and head back. Drag Nick confusing short-cut way back to hostel. No Serina or Ollie. Nick heads to BK for lunch; I try my luck next door w/fish & chips. Yum! But no time to eat because S&O show up (end up eating on train; bit cold bit okay).

12:30 PM - Take underground to King's Cross station to meet Ruey at Platform 9 & 3/4 (originally thought was joke; didn't get Harry Potter reference). Take requisite pictures at Platform 9 & 3/4. Get on train at Platform 2.

1:30 PM - Train leaves.

6 PM - Train arrives in Edinburgh after passing through Yorkshire county (home of James Herriot) and Newcastle (name of hometown in Cali).

6:30 PM - Check into another dodgy hostel for two nights. Ollie leaves to surprise his mum. Rest of us go to dinner and visit bookstore and then back to hostel. Discuss TP until midnight. Sleep.


8 AM - Serina & I get up & realize Ollie didn't return. Look out window; it's raining. A few snow flakes. Leave note for boys & head out to covent gardens on way to Edinburgh castle. Pass through lovely old cemetary.

9:30 AM - Enter Edinburgh castle. Oldest part is from 12th century, called St. Margaret's chapel. Started snowing quite heavily. V. cold. Saw entire royal ancestry of England & Scotland from 8th century, the Scottish Honours & Stone of Scone, bedchamber where Mary Queen of Scots gave birth, and a demonstration of the different Scottish weapons. V. cool. No more snow; actually have sunshine. Ollie said four seasons in one day possible; we saw it.

12 PM - Walk down the Royal Mile and have lunch on the Grass Market where many Protestants died on the gallows & have lunch at The Last Drop, a favorite pub of Ollie's. Tried haggis. Quite good, actually.

1:30 PM - Visit Grayfrair's Bobby's grave & statue; a dog that was so loyal that he kept vigil by his master's grave for 14 years and when died, was buried with honors by the people & fresh flowers are placed on his grave everyday. Passed by Holyrood Castle, where Mary Queen of Scots spent most of her time (didn't like Edinburgh Castle). Wanted to go in, but noone else did.

3 PM - Ollie, Nick and I climbed up a bluff. Lost Ruey so Serina went to look for him. Found him literally climbing the bluff - up the rock wall. Bright white jacket attrected attention on the order of 5 fire trucks & 2 police cars. Made it down just in time to receive severe scolding (but no fines) from officials.

5 PM - Nick & Ollie head back; I decide to climb Arthur's Seat. Ruey & Serina meet me up there. Take pictures. Very windy. Hear story. Silly Ruey. Climb down; head back. Visit observatory on the way.

8 PM - Meet up w/Nick (Ollie took mum out to dinner). Go first to BK, then Pizza Hut in searh of Dr. Pepper, but end up in pub next to hostel. Food not bad, though haggis not as good as at Last Drop.


9 AM - Get up. Pack. Meet up w/Ollie who has dad's car (VW Golf) and head towards port.

1:45 PM - Ferry leaves for Belfast.

5 PM - Ferry arrives in Belfast. Drop Serina off to catch train to Dublin to crash friends' honeymoon. Drive to Galway. Call ahead, desperately trying to find hostel.

11 PM - Arrive at v. dodgy hostel in Galway. Nick, Ollie & Ruey find internet cafe (honestly) and have a Guiness at local pub. Nick likes Guinness.


7:30 AM - Get up. Pack. Leave for Cliffs of Moher.

10 AM - Arrive at Cliffs of Moher. Incredible. So windy, literally took breath away and blew water up sides of the cliff so had to run through spray. Insane.

11 AM - Leave & head for Limmerick, then Cork.

12:30 PM - Arrive in Cork. Visit Blarney Castle. Kiss Blarney Stone (I was first). Wander around grounds; took my sweet time while others got bored and went to gift shop (Ruey bought shocking green & white striped Irish rugby shirt) and grocery store.

2 PM - Leave Cork & head for Waterford.

3 PM - Arrive in Waterford, check out Waterford Crystal factory. I buy some stuff and have it shipped to Houston. Ha ha, Becca!

4 PM - Leave Waterford for Rosslare to pick up Serina at train station and catch ferry to Pembroke, Wales.

6 PM - Pick up Serina, get dinner.

9 PM - Ferry leaves for Pembroke.


1:15 AM - Ferry arrives in Pembroke.

5 AM - Desperately low on gas, find Stonehenge after misreading the map and mistaking trees for it. Serina attempts to climb fence, but is thwarted by presence of security guard. Take pictures which show nothing but black.

7:30 AMArrive in S. England to take Eurotunnel to France. Asked several times if have passports, but don't want to see them; in fact, never had to show passports leaving England nor entering France. Half-hour trip on Chunnel.

9 AM - (Different time zone.) Arrive France. Drive past Vimy (where my computer was stolen). Nick spends entire time talking about how much he loves France. Not.

3 PM - Arrive Strasbourg, finally. Take desperately-needed shower, go to ISU. Realize have lost phone. Oops.

8:30 PM - Go to Anne's for dinner consisting of yummy pasta soup and bread with Munir's delicious garlic sauce. Chocolate pasta with strawberries, powdered sugar, and vanilla sauce for dessert. Yes, the chocolate pasta was a little weird, but v. good. Especially with copious amounts of strawberries, powerdered sugar, and vanilla sauce.

Whew! Crazy trip. So the last few days I've been at ISU working on TP. Last night I saw Starsky & Hutch with Beth, Tyler, Will, and Mark. Really funny! Now, if you'll excuse me, assuming you made it this far (good job), I have to go home to pack. Tonight we leave for Cannes for a professional visit to Alcatel. It's a 12-hour overnight train. Yucky, but ah, the magic of ear plugs. Have a good week, everyone.

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