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4:44 p.m.

I've updated this page since yesterday. I had definite issues with the internet. Sorry about that.

Don't ask me how it got to be Thursday so quickly. I have no idea. I know that I haven't updated since last week, and I'm sorry. I've really been very busy! But, seeing as how no-one's complained except for Will, and he's here, apparently no-one reads this thing. Lovely. ;)

So, last weekend, Nick and I went to Spain and did a whirlwind tour of not only Barcelona, but Madrid, too. Yeah, we're nuts. I know that Markus, who drove us, had doubts about dropping off two crazy Americans in the middle of Barcelona and was probably wondering if he would see us on Sunday, and if so, in what shape. However, you'll have to wait for that. This entry is about the trip to Mont Sainte Odile. part of it, anyway, since I don't have all of the pictures, yet.

Mt. Ste-Odile monestary.

So, two Saturdays ago, our class took a trip to Mont Sainte Odile, a monastery not too far from ISU. It was beautiful. We had been given a bunch of satellite images from SPOT, Landsat, ERS, and such. The whole point was to travel to Mont Sainte Odile and try to visually locate some of the features on the images with what we saw on the ground (this is called "ground-truthing", and for those of you saying "duh", I didn't know that).

View of Strasbourg from Mt. Ste-Odile.

It was a lot of fun, and Brooke and Will climbed on and over everything that they possibly could. This is a picture of us on the wall of this castle that we visited after Mont Sainte Odile. Brooke and Will were the first ones up, of course, but then Munir and I followed. It's Brooke, Munir, Will, me from left to right (I'm in the bright red jacket). It was a tricky deal climbing up, and when Bhavini tried to climb up after us, some more of it actually fell off! Oops. Thing's been there for hundreds of years, and then a couple of hooligan students come along... Brooke's the one on the ledge. She wanted to walk around it, but we talked her out of it. One of our professors, Dr. Farrow, was sure that she would fall off; he was on the ground and kept looking up and muttering, "Oh dear, oh dear". Later, and I'll put up some pictures of this, we went wine tasting. (How great is this school? After a field trip to an absolutely gorgeous monestary, we go wince-tasting.) Dr. Farrow specifically asked Brooke to NOT climb on the wine vats (seeing as how she had practically climbed one everything else), which she actually did do; well, pretended to do, anyway. That's our girl!

Brooke hanging off the railing of Mt. Ste-Odile. In the second picture above, you can see what the drop looks like. Professor Farrow didn't see her.

Brooke, me, Ollie, Will, and Doug at Mt. Ste-Odile.

Everyone at Mt. Ste-Odile. This is our first all-group picture. I'm on the far right, second from end.

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