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and time goes by, so slowly | and time can do so much


There are some drawbacks to working this shift. The hours, for one, including trying to fall asleep at 4 in the afternoon. I have a hard enough time falling asleep at normal bedtimes. This Orbit 1 business, it is havoc on my schedule. I essentially don't get a good night's sleep the entire week. It's more like a series of naps.

Not seeing my roommates for a week is another. Missing out on all the crazy escapades that they do, such as one's roommate spray painting his ballet slippers red. (I left a comment that I was glad that I wasn't awake for that, but actually, that's a lie. Wish I had been.) Hanging out with friends in the evening, especially if it involves trips to the Cheesecake Factory or eating Easter leftovers. All things that I missed this week.

Missing out on stuff in the office. Trying to do stuff for the office from console while trying to do console stuff. Sometimes, oft times, failing miserably at both. Grr... Having to go to the office after getting off console, easily stretching one's work day to 11, 12, 13 hours.

On the other hand, Becca brought me Starbucks on Monday and Cheesecake Factory Wednesday night (Godiva Dark Chocolate Cheesecake; doesn't get any better than that). There are definite perks, especially when one has such a cool roommate. =)

Only five more hours to go!!

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