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in praise of the little silver boxes


On July 6th, my laptop froze. Macs do not freeze; applications (Microsoft applications) have been known to freeze, Explorer in particular, but not my laptop. On the 7th, definitely wonky. Something was wrong. On the 8th, I turned it on to back-up. It was dead. I called tech support; very nice, very helpful, very knowledgable lady, but still dead. And at least she didn't ask me if it had run out of batteries.

She recommended letting it sit for a bit and then trying it again; the diagnostics that she had had me run at least recognized that I had a hard drive...initially. So, I let it sit for a few hours - nothing. A few days - nothing. I took the battery out and left both on my desk for the past month. Today, I have to go into work and decided to just deal with it and take the laptop to the Mac store and accept the fact that I've lost everything since November (when I last backed it up). That meant pictures from Christmas at home, New Year's in Alberta, visiting Kelly in Winnipeg and the ski trip in Tahoe, along with some important (to me) documents and recently-purchased music were all gone. Some of that was recoverable - I think Sarah has my ski trip pictures, Kelly has the Winnipeg/New Year's ones and my still-working iPod (for now) contains the music, but everything else - gone.

Or so I thought. No, this dramatic build-up isn't all for nothing.

I turned on my laptop this morning, not really thinking that anything would happen. But it started up! It recognized my hard drive!! Everything is fine!!! Not that I trust it, of course, but at least it means that I can plug in the external hard drive and back everything up (I hope). I've gotten the documents over, and right now, it's backing up the rest of my pictures and music.

Wow, does this make things easier. I don't have to pay hundreds of dollars to have someone try and recover the data; I don't even have to debate if it's worth it. I can't believe my luck on this one. I thought for sure it was completely shot. I've never heard of this happening before, where the hard drive was down, hard, and then worked fine again a month later. Yay for Macs! And yay for warranties; I'm still taking it in and getting the hard drive replaced. But, without any loss of data!!! How cool is that???

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