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either a very cruel joke or portentious of great things


Every three years or so, our work computers are supposed to be refreshed. Which, for us peons, generally means the refurbished computer of someone who's upgraded to bigger and better things. My last one was three years ago, just after I came back from France. It lasted three months, going down hard (anyone ever see a RED screen of death before?) just before Christmas. I've had a number since then, as there always seems to be something: a few contained defective fans, periodically sounding like a 747 ramping up for take-off, and there was one that spontaneously killed Word (always started with dratted Word), then took down my other applications one by one and rebooted. All on its own. As entertaining as that was, it was not entirely conducive to productivity.

My current computer sports the 747 feature, as well as the addition of not displaying applications in the Taskbar so that Alt+Tab is the only method of switching between them. Most of the time, anyway; sometimes, it decides to show them in the Taskbar, but all in one column. I've been told to request a new one, but better to deal with the quirks I know than figure them out on a "new" computer. I guarantee you it will have them. Besides, I was getting a refresh with - gasp! - a flatscreen. SO exciting!

My refresh date came and went. Huh??

I asked what was going on, the word "laptop" was tossed around - loads had been ordered, refreshes stopped until new priority list figured out, maybe I'd get one, maybe not, you're not high in priority, but you're high on the refresh list...

I've already signed up for the "EZ Refresh", meaning my presence is not req'd. I figure one day, I'll show up and I'll have a new something. I know I'm getting a flatscreen, and a laptop lock (the box has my name on it!) appeared on my desk a few days ago, so either I am definitely getting a coveted laptop, or I ticked off the IT guy and this is his idea of a really cruel joke.

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