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a gath'ring of storm clouds


Today, I am in a particularly foul mood. First, I was snapped at by a dog on the way to work. Second, I received an accusatory e-mail that was really the last straw in my relations with a certain person. I no longer care what opinion this person has of me, which is a big deal considering that I have a need to be liked by everyone. I would like to apologize not for my scathing reply, but to the person who witnessed it; I feel no need to apologize to whom it was directed. I may be a meek little mouse most of the time, but even I have my limits. Also, yesterday, I had food poisoning and my stomach has not yet fully recovered. I don't like yogurt very much, and it appears that yogurt returns the favor.

AND it's overcast AND it's cold. I like the cold, but it should be cold for a reason - like snow. However, today, the weather suits my mood.

Tonight, Beth and I are going to go visit Chris and Nicole, and even get to say hi to Arta (girlfriend of a classmate). That will cheer me up. I will be even more cheered once my tickets arrive...

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