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if you don't sweep that kitchen floor | you ain't gonna rock'n'roll no more


Does anyone have a broom? Cuz someone needs to sweep up what's left of the Astros!! =)

I may be alienating a couple of friends of mine right now, but at the moment, I DON'T CARE. Earlier, I was debating about whether or not I should gloat quite so, er, gloatingly, but THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID. Anyway. Enough about them. Yesterday, Kyle, Debbie and I went to the Giants/Astros game, the last in that three-game series. Kyle and I, both native Northern Californians, were all decked out in our Giants gear, leaving poor Debbie to counteract our obnoxiousness. I was sure that the Giants would lose game three; using a team for batting practice one game and losing the next by a single run is par for the course for my boys. The fact that they had pounded the Astros into the ground not once, but twice, made it an almost bannkable guarantee that they would lose last night. Twenty-four runs in two games? The Giants definitely had nothing left. Maybe I'm a pessimistic fan, but this is the same team that handed, handed the 2002 World Series to the Angels. On a silver platter. With champagne and roses. Who blows a six run lead in the sixth inning of Game 6??? And then goes on to lose Game 7??? Argh.

But, last night, it was just like the previous two games. The entire Giants line-up (which didn't include Bonds) had a hit. Or several. Okay, I don't know that for sure, but it certainly seemed like it. Two homeruns, loads of doubles, even more singles. It was like they couldn't not hit the ball. As for the Astros? Ausmus scored in the second inning and that was it. Being Ausmus, I could forgive that (he's my favorite). At one point, Kyle got up and made sweeping motions all along our row. Between that, all of our cheering at inappropriate times (according to Astros fans, anyway) and Giants reglia, you can guess just how popular we were!

I don't know if it was the Giants' win or what, but I'd forgotten just how much fun a baseball game can be. I hadn't been to a game since 2003, or possibly even earlier. Wow, I miss it.

Monday: 10-1, Giants
Tuesday: 14-3, Giants
Wednesday: 10-1, Giants
Series: 3-0, Giants

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