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11:42 a.m.


SO, yesterday, things were looking pretty good. I figured out (after multiple tries) how to send a fax to Germany. Hello, my name is Cari Goulard and I'm an engineer at NASA and I can't work a simple fax machine.

Anyway, so, immediately after sending a fax to the housing company in Bremen that Beth and I found, we received three possible housing offers, only one of which was really acceptable (according to our friend, Oliver, who has been helping us with the German speaking and knows Bremen). We called, and the lady even spoke English well and it all sounded really nice and we told her we'd take it if she found us acceptable. She said that she'd call Beth back that night after talking to her husband. WELL, I received an e-mail from Beth this morniing saying that the lady had indeed called, but it turned out one of ther sons wanted to move back home so we couldn't live there!!! Grrr... Back to square one. Oliver said that he'll help us call the agency and see if they have anything else. 8 days and counting...

But, in other news, much happier thoughts are to be had. I received a VERY LARGE package from Becca (love you lots!) complete with Macaroni and Cheese, Easter candy, and mail, which meant tax information. Today is tax day, so I was getting a little antsy; I knew that the tax info was coming, but didn't know about the package! So yay for surprises and yay for Becca and yay for me. I did my taxes yesterday, and it turns out that I am getting a hefty refund, which will be nice as far as paying off bills. I know that it's actually better to pay the government than to recieve money back (it's your money, anyway, which they're giving back to you but if you keep it then you can earn interest on it, and then you pay the gov't and keep the interest), but receiving a large deposit is always a nice boost. Except I don't get to keep it and do anything crazy with it because of the aforementioned bills. But still, yay for money.

Well, that's it in the world of Cari for today. Cheers.

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