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'Le t�l�phone qui a mang� un ordinateur.'
-Billboard sign

5:25 p.m.

Last night I went with Mark and Will to see Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, starring Russell Crowe as Captain Jack Aubrey and Paul Bettany as his good friend and ship doctor, Stephen Maturin. Rather gory (off-screen for the most part, however) in some parts, but that only added to the ambiance. I thought that it was a great movie, and that Russell Crowe did an excellent job. They even managed to work in a bad joke about choosing 'the lesser of two weevils'. Will and I wondered how well that translated, but I think it was okay; they used 'ani-maux' for weevils and 'maux' for evil, so I think that the point got across.

The only problem that I have with going to see movies in English over here is the French subtitles. I end up trying to read the subtitles and improve my French instead of just listening to the movie. It's rather an annoying habit, but I do pick up some simple but useful phrases. Like, 'Si sera tout' for 'That will be all'. I like that. I'll have to use it.

Tonight, I am going with a good portion of my class to see The Last Samurai. Bavs is insanely excited about this movie. I hope that it lives up to her expectations.

The dollar today is 1.27132 to the Euro. Hmph.

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