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"O Canada..."

10:55 a.m.

Today is Thanksgiving Day for Canada. So, yesterday, we had a little feast. About 20 or so of us gathered at ISU and, with some recipe experimentation, managed to put on a pretty decent meal. For example, there is no corn syrup here so for my pecan pie, I had to do a little improvisation, but it turned out very well. I also made a pumpkin pie. We kept teasing the Canadians that this was the "practice" Thanksgiving, but as far as food goes, it really was! Because, in addition to ingredient substitution, many people hadn't done this type of cooking before. Next month, we're doing it again, and we should be able to have whole turkeys, instead of the turkey legs and ham that we had yesterday. They were very good, but we found it amusing that we couldn't get a whole turkey, which inevitably lead to the question of if we could get turkey legs, what happened to the rest of the bird?

But, of course, what was a lovely day and evening had to end up on a sour note. As a result, I really am going to go live in a cave. I am having definite issues right now, and if it is because, as Becca says, that I am not wearing my "uniform" of khakis and polo shirts, but rather more feminine clothes, then I am going back to my khaki and polo shirts. At least those were safe. I am not going to go into details, but let's just say that, lately, I have been receiving attention from a certain corner but nothing of the sort that really caused any concern. Definitely nothing on the order of what I have dealt with in the (somewhat recent) past. Rather, it was cute. As of yesterday, it's not cute anymore, but annoying. Grr. Oh well. I'll figure something out. Brooke, meanwhile, thinks it's funny. And it is, but it's also frustrating.

We have our Module 1 exam coming up on Thursday. Afterwards, there's much debate as to what to do. I think that Nick and I are going to go to Barcelona, since we have a free ride over there and back. Others are going to Vienna, and there's talk of Istanbul. We'll see how things work out. I love how I can just throw such ideas around; let's see, I have to choose between Istanbul, Vienna, Barcelona. Tough life! ;) I know that you all just feel so sorry for me.

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