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off to a good start


My nobe ib red ad swol-led ad a widdle bid bwoody ad id hurbs. Not from a cold, but from soccer last night, when a girl from the opposing team and I went for a ball in the air at the same time. I ended up cracking my nose so badly that tears sprang immediately to my eyes and I was blinded for a few seconds, while she got the ball. So it wasn't even worth it!

Incidentally, playing soccer at 5 p.m. really bites. Far too hot. I had to be careful to not drink too much water for fear of overdoing it.

Today, on my way in, my store-bought Frappacino bottle broke, spilling it's contents all over me and jabbing me in the forefinger with a shard of glass, which bled rather profusely. I tried to grab the door with my non-bloody fingers, but I'm sure that whatever blood-bourne diseases I might have will now infect half the center. Swollen nose and bloody finger! What a great way to start the week.


Last night, I dreamt that Natalie Portman went to my university and that Haydn Christensen and I were together, which, I certainly wouldn't mind. He's really quite hot, especially with the longish curly hair that he sported in Episode III. I'm a real sucker for that type of curly hair, or like Colin Firth's, but not Napolean Dynamite-type frizz. I pretty much spend all of E III drooling over Anakin's hair (not too mention his physique), making it easier to ignore his whiny petulance. How shallow am I?

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