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just desserts


I've been giving my new officemate a hard time because he often leaves his computer unlocked. He argues that he either intends to only be away for a minute or is rushing off somewhere and doesn't have the time (two seconds!) to lock his computer; it goes to screensaver and locks itself after a few minutes, anyway. Whatever. I always accuse him of breaching security protocol. Because I am a nice person like that.

As always, when one gets on someone else's case and then does the very thing themselves, repercussions are in order. So, the other day, I forgot to lock my computer when I left for a moment. When I came back, both he and another officemate were trying not to laugh. Logging back into my computer, I saw why - the following was my new desktop image:

They thought I'd change it right away, but I've kept it because 1) it cracks me up and 2) the reaction of everyone who sees it, like they don't know me at all. It's great! Both of them were new to the office, and a little worried, not knowing how I'd react. They were relieved when I found it hilarious. Unlike a former officemate who was NOT AT ALL amused when he'd left his computer unlocked and returned to find his desktop turned upside-down on the monitor.

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