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i usually try to save a life a day. usually, it's my own.


I am not much into SciFi, certainly not like many of my friends who drop names like Piers Anthony and Isaac Asimov like they're old friends. While I prefer fantasy - Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Hitchiker's Guide - I do enjoy the Star Trek movies and am starting to get into Battlestar Galactica, but I very much like projects like Star Wars, Serenity/Firefly and now Farscape, which incoporate a little (sometimes very little) of both. I am pretty lenient with what I'll accept in those movies as far as acccuracy goes, but I do have my limits and Farscape recently tested them.

I've been borrowing the episodes of the canceled series from a friend and recently finished season two. At the start of the season premiere, one of the main characters has a nightmare about our hero, John Chricton, hanging out in space, dying because his helmet cracked and his spacesuit depressurizes. No issue there. Then, midway through the season, he jettisons himself from an exploding spaceship towards another ship, and survives, of course. I'd have no problem there except that he's not wearing a spacesuit. It's just him! Holding his breath! In the vacuum of space! No blood boiling, eyes popping or anything! Not that I wanted him to die (no way) or see any of that, but that's just taking what (very) little semblance of realism the show had and hacking it to pieces! I'd have less of a problem if he'd magically found an extra suit that just happened to fit him and then launched himself out the airlock. Or even taken a pill that gave him immunity. I don't know. Something that could explain how he could survive, regardless of the stretch of imagination required. Argh. I suppose some things are just more forgivable or easier to overlook than others. Sound in space, OK. Total disregard for orbital physics and quantum mechanics, OK. Artifical gravity, OK. But a human surviving in space w/o a suit or some sort of protection? That's too much for me. Especially when they did the whole depressurizing nightmare at the beginning of the season.

Otherwise, I'm really liking the show. It's sad that there's only four seasons' worth, but that's more than Firefly had. They're addicting, too; once I start watching, I pretty much go through the whole season in a couple of days and then am in withdrawal until I get the next one.

Pathetic, I know. Oh well. =)

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