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the kingdom of heaven


I am about to embark on another Grand Adventure. Or maybe not. Depending on how one views Minneapolis/Duluth. (Incidentally, isn't "Duluth" just a funny sounding word?) I'm off to a wedding by way of visiting relatives and a hockey game (go Wild!). Could be an adventure, although, not sure about grand, at the reception as I've learned that there are no bathrooms, only portables. Thank goodness that I have an iron bladder! Just what you wanted to know, eh?

The other day while stopped at an intersection on my way to return my ski helmet (don't worry, I have one that I found that I liked better at Northstar) to Sun & Ski in downtown, I was presented with a Free Ticket to Heaven by a concerned person. Unfortunately, I didn't actually have time to take it as the light turned green and off I went. All those years of church, all that catechism, down the drain; my Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card for Eternal Salvation thwarted by the Houston traffic light system. Curses!

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