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we few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
for he today that sheds his blood with me
shall be my brother.
-shakespeare, henry v


Harry Potter comes out today!!!

Well, it comes out in France, and French-speaking Switzerland. It's out tomorrow here, and in the rest of Switzerland. Friday in US and Canada. Unfortunately, they dub over the English here, unlike in France where they just put the French subtitles. I want to see the movie so badly!!!

I forgot to mention that in addition to everything listed yesterday, Beth and I also bought three beer steins. No, not each. So, we certainly did more than our part to help boost the Czech economy.

Feeling like death warmed over, I went home a little early yesterday. Of course, the minute I got home, I felt fine. So I went and rented the last installment of Band of Brothers, Episodes 9 (Why We Fight) and 10 (Points). Major Winters (Damian Lewis) is by far my favorite, and I guess that his character is fairly accurately portrayed, with most men who served under him calling him the bravest man whom they knew. In the last episode, Winters runs into his jerk of a former CO from training (David Schwimmer), who is still a captain, and forces him to salute, saying, "Captain Sobel, you salute the rank, not the man." Ha!

I really, really liked the series and thought that Stephen Speilberg, Stephen Ambrose, and Tom Hanks put together one heck of a production. Not having actually ever fought in a war (thankfully), I can't give an expert opinion, but it seemed to be fairly inline with stories told me by my Great-Uncle Lowell (Major in the 29th Division that was part of the Normandy invasion). I wanted to finish the series before meeting up with my parents this Friday to go to the 60th anniversary of D-Day (June 6th).

After finishing that, I went Dragon Boating with Beth again. By the time I leave, I should be in fairly good shape and know some German. At least, German commands related to rowing!

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